Legal Notice


Publisher information
This website (hereinafter the “Soieries du Mékong website”) belongs to and is published by ENFANTS DU MEKONG (hereinafter referred to as “ENFANTS DU MEKONG”), an association domiciled at 5, rue de la comète 92600 ASNIERES- SUR-SEINE, registered at the Hauts de Seine Prefecture under number W922004711. SIRET number: 30987872600020.

Publication director: Sophie Gérardin
Tel: +33(1) 47 91 00 84
E-mail :


Website hosting

The hosting services for this Soieries du Mékong website are provided by
Shopify Inc., Canadian company registered on the TSX and NYSE

151 rue O’Connor

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8





Use of this Site is subject to the following terms and conditions (“Terms”). ENFANTS DU MEKONG reserves the right to periodically modify these Conditions. The modified Conditions will take effect on the date they are posted on the Site for all users. Accordingly, users should regularly review these Terms.
We strongly advise you to read these Terms carefully before using the Website. The user expressly acknowledges having been informed of the existence of the General Conditions of Use and having read them upon entering the Site. Consequently, any continued consultation of the Site signifies full acceptance by the user of these Conditions. If the user does not accept these Conditions, he will not be authorized to continue consulting and access the Site.


Use of content found on the site

ENFANTS DU MEKONG created this site for the personal information of users. The user may download to a computer or print a copy of the pages found on the site solely for their personal use and for private, domestic, educational and non-commercial purposes, provided that they do not make any modifications to the Site and, in particular, , to keep intact the notices of Copyright © and trademarks™, as well as the warnings relating to property rights, and in particular Intellectual Property of ENFANTS DU MEKONG. Unless otherwise indicated, all graphic and textual elements appearing on the Site, such as in particular logos, photographs, including any person represented in the photographs, images, illustrations, icons, texts, video clips, animations, (hereinafter referred to as the “ENFANTS DU MEKONG Content”) are protected by legislation on the protection of copyrights, designs and trademarks and the provisions of international treaties and national law throughout the world.

The Content of ENFANTS DU MEKONG cannot be, in whole or in part, modified or of course used in any way whatsoever and in particular be reproduced, represented or distributed to the public, displayed, marketed, integrated into a derivative work, public or commercial purposes. Any illicit use of ENFANTS DU MEKONG Content may constitute a violation of copyright, trademark, privacy and publicity laws, as well as laws and regulations. general communications law.


Transmission by the user of information to the Site

Any communications, information or unsolicited content sent by the user to the Site, by electronic mail or otherwise, will be treated by ENFANTS DU MEKONG as non-confidential information and entirely free of rights with the exception of personal data allowing identify the user himself. These unsolicited messages and content include (but are not limited to) data, questions, responses, comments, suggestions and other similar messages from the user. By sending such communications to the Site, the user grants ENFANTS DU MEKONG a free, perpetual, irrevocable and non-exclusive license authorizing it to use, reproduce, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, represent and display your communications in isolation or integrate them into other works, whatever the form, technology or media used, present or future, and to transfer these rights to any third party. Any content transmitted or posted may be used by ENFANTS DU MEKONG for various purposes, including (without limitation) reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting, but also development, manufacturing and the marketing of products using this information.


Policy Data Privacy

ENFANTS DU MEKONG's privacy policy demonstrates our commitment to managing your personal data in accordance with the legal provisions in force and in a manner that protects your privacy. ENFANTS DU MEKONG has established its privacy policy in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679, called “GDPR”).



The minorsare not authorized to transmit information concerning themselves or their friends, nor to register with the online services of ENFANTS DU MEKONG, nor to make a request to obtain further information from ENFANTS DU MEKONG in clicking on the buttons relating to consent or requests on the Soieries du Mékong website.

If we discover or are informed that a child has provided their or another child's personal data, we will delete that data from our records.



ENFANTS DU MEKONG will not intentionally collect personally identifiable data from minor children. If, as a parent, you would like to know whether your child has registered with one of our services, or if you would like to cancel your child's registration and delete the details, please contact us by email at the address or write to us at the address indicated below, attaching official documents proving your status as a parent or legal guardian.


Any submission to ENFANTS DU MEKONG of identifying data such as your name, address, contact details, preferences, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Data”) during any request or registration with its services is carried out voluntarily, with consent and with full knowledge of the facts. The registration forms contain on the one hand mandatory fields (indicated by an asterisk (*)), which we ask you to complete in order to be able to process your request, and on the other hand optional fields, which you can complete if you want ; If you fail to complete the required fields, ENFANTS DU MEKONG may not be able to respond to your request or activate the options you have selected.


The Personal Data that you have communicated to us will only be accessible to duly authorized ENFANTS DU MEKONG personnel, to its service providers (e.g.: IT maintenance and hosting, bank settlement services, preparation and delivery of orders, etc.) acting to the account of ENFANTS DU MEKONG on the basis of contracts containing strict data protection obligations, to its legal advisors or if the law or a court decision requires it.


Your Personal Data will be used to offer you the services requested and may be used both for marketing research purposes linked to the activities of ENFANTS DU MEKONG and to provide information relating to its products and events.

With the exception of the above, ENFANTS DU MEKONG will not use your Personal Data for unsolicited communications. ENFANTS DU MEKONG does not sell or rent the personal data provided to it to any third party.

ENFANTS DU MEKONG will make every effort to ensure that said Personal Data is kept secure at all times.

If ENFANTS DU MEKONG or all of its assets were to be acquired by a third party following an acquisition, merger, sale, reorganization or liquidation, your personal information could be part of the assets transferred.


Our database has been declared for the processing of personal data to the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties (CNIL) under number 1341849, in accordance with French legislation on data protection, namely the Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and individual freedoms, subsequently amended. Visit the website for more information on your rights.


Upon request, ENFANTS DU MEKONG will delete your Personal Data from its database, thereby canceling your registration with its services. In addition, upon written request, you may access your Personal Data and/or request that information about you be corrected, modified or deleted.

To help us keep your information up to date, please notify us of any changes to it. If you have subscribed to an email service and no longer wish to receive it, you can automatically unsubscribe by following the instructions at the end of the email.

Any request concerning your Personal Data as well as any request aimed at obtaining the cancellation of your registration with one of the services offered by ENFANTS DU MEKONG must be sent by e-mail to: or by mail to:

5 rue de la Comète
92,600 Asnières-sur-Seine


ENFANTS DU MEKONG may be required to modify its confidentiality policy depending on legislative developments. Our privacy policy can be consulted at any time on our Soieries du Mékong website in the Privacy Policy section.

Our confidentiality policy is exclusively subject to French law, without reference to conflict of law rules. Any dispute or difference concerning our confidentiality policy will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Paris, France.


Data retention period

  • Data necessary for order management and invoicing: for the entire duration of the commercial relationship and ten years for accounting obligations.
  • Data necessary for carrying out loyalty actions and prospecting: for the entire duration of the commercial relationship and three years from the last purchase.
  • Data relating to means of payment: this data is not kept by ENFANTS DU MEKONG; they are collected during the transaction and are immediately deleted upon payment of the purchase.
  • Data concerning opposition lists to be received from prospecting : three years.


To be able to offer you certain services, we use cookies to know how our Soieries du Mékong website is used. Cookies are small text files transmitted by the Soieries du Mékong website to the user's browser which allow certain functionalities to be added or to track use of the site. We use session cookies which are saved only by your browser and disappear when it is closed. We use permanent cookies when you set your preferences. These cookies are saved on your computer.

We may collect information about your IP address, domain server, the type of computer or browser you use and the pages you visit (including using web beacons or equivalent technologies). We collect this information in order to manage and improve our system.

You can refuse cookies by changing your browser preferences or settings. If you need help, consult the “Help” section of your browser. Please note that by disabling cookies, we may not be able to offer you the services requested, and you may be required to register each time you visit our Soieries du Mékong website.



The information available on this Site is published for general information purposes only. ENFANTS DU MEKONG is keen to disseminate complete and accurate information but cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on the Site and cannot under any circumstances be held responsible in the event of errors or errors. inaccuracies contained on its Site and cannot guarantee that the use of its Site does not infringe the rights of third parties. Any use of the Site is at the user’s own risk.

ENFANTS DU MEKONG assumes no responsibility with regard to the functional and/or technical aspects of its Site, and under no circumstances guarantees the total absence of viruses or other harmful elements on its Site and on the ) server(s) allowing access to it. If the use of the Site or its content should cause the user a nuisance forcing him to have equipment, materials or databases repaired or replaced, ENFANTS DU MEKONG cannot be liable for the costs incurred by these operations. Generally speaking, all information contained on the Site is communicated “as is” and “accessible depending on the availability of the site” without any express or tacit guarantee, in particular (and not limited to without any tacit guarantee of fitness for a particular purpose or use, and non-infringement ENFANTS DU MEKONG and its supplier partners give no guarantee as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the ENFANTS DU MEKONG content (texts, images and hyperlinks) and as to the results obtained from the use of the website Some jurisdictions do not accept the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to all users.


The brands and logos (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Brands”) reproduced on the Site are registered or unregistered Trademarks belonging to ENFANTS DU MEKONG or are used under license granted to ENFANTS DU MEKONG by third parties. No element of the Site can be considered as an invitation or implicit authorization to use the Brands published on the ENFANTS DU MEKONG Site. Any use requires the prior written consent of ENFANTS DU MEKONG or third party owners of the Brands. Any misuse of the Marks or any other content displayed on the Site is strictly prohibited.



All elements published on the Site are subject to the following copyright: Copyright © SOIERIES DU MEKONG 2011. All rights reserved.



Certain links contained on the Site may refer to other websites managed by third parties not affiliated with ENFANTS DU MEKONG. The presence of these hypertext links in no way implies endorsement of these sites by ENFANTS DU MEKONG. ENFANTS DU MEKONG has not controlled all of the third-party sites mentioned on its Site and cannot be held responsible for the content or accuracy of off-Site pages or third-party sites mentioned on its Site. Users of the Site consult off-Site pages and third-party sites at their own risk.



It is understood that ENFANTS DU MEKONG may terminate, with or without notice, your use of the Site if it reasonably believes that you have violated these Conditions or acted in a manner inconsistent with the letter or spirit thereof, violated the rights of ENFANTS DU MEKONG or a third party or for any other reason. You acknowledge the right of ENFANTS DU MEKONG to modify the Site or suspend its publication, with or without notice to users of the Site.

You acknowledge that ENFANTS DU MEKONG cannot be held responsible, towards you or towards a third party, for the consequences caused by such a modification or suspension of the Site. The provisions entitled “Protection of personal data”, “Limitation of liability” and “General provisions” will remain valid beyond the expiration of these Conditions.


Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances whatsoever, ENFANTS DU MEKONG may be held responsible for losses resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the Site and the information available on the Site, including, in particular, in the event of deprivation of use, loss of exploitation, loss of profits, loss of data or any incidental damage, whatever the legal basis invoked by the user, even in the event that ENFANTS DU MEKONG has been previously informed of the possibility of such damage. Some states and countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for damages resulting from such uses, so the above limitation of liability may not apply to all users.


General provisions

Unless otherwise stated, the information and Content published on the Site have the sole purpose of promoting the products and services of ENFANTS DU MEKONG. ENFANTS DU MEKONG makes no representation that the Content of the Site is suitable for all countries in the world or available for use in all countries. Internet users visit the Site at their own risk and are requested to respect the local regulations in force in their country, it being understood that access to ENFANTS DU MEKONG Content could be considered illegal for certain people or in certain countries. The products marketed by ENFANTS DU MEKONG are available in many countries. However, the Site may describe certain products whose marketing is not guaranteed throughout the world.

Any action or claim relating to the Site must be brought within two years after the claim or right arises (cause of action).

These Conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with French law, without reference to conflict of law rules. Any dispute concerning them will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. The waiver by ENFANTS DU MEKONG to assert a violation of one of the provisions of the Conditions cannot be interpreted as a waiver to assert a violation of another provision.


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