A weaver, a film

Each of the creations is accompanied by the signature of the craftsman: a label including a name and a photo. This identity card is also a wonderful invitation to share a human adventure.

Originally, the wish to weave a link between the person who wears a Soieries du Mékong scarf and the person who wove it. The desire to introduce you to these exceptional artisans who spend long hours weaving Soieries du Mekong scarves.

Notre équipe en plein enregistrements des vidéos de tisserandes ayant tissé à la main vos articles !

Each happy owner of a scarf can, if they wish, discover a film on the Soieries du Mékong website dedicated to the craftsman who made their scarf.

L'une de nos tisserandes découvrant les vidéos d'elle et des autres femmes filmées pour vous !

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