The role of the father in Cambodia

By Chak Samrach, Administrative and Human Resources Director of Soieries du Mékong Cambodia

 Une culture différente de la nôtre avec un rôle pour le père différente également

On Father's Day, Chak Samrach, Administrative and Human Resources Director of our Banteay Chmar workshops, took us to discover the father figure in the Cambodian family tradition. Father of two boys aged 6 and 9, Samrach presents himself as “Head of the family” for whom he is proud to be able to provide thanks to his position at Soieries du Mékong.

According to him, two elements are essential for educating your children: on the one hand, you must teach them to be curious, to ask questions, and to face the reality of their answers even when they are hard. On the other hand, as in most Asian cultures, one must always respect elders and the hierarchy. 

Although he loves his children more than anything, Samrach is not as affectionate towards them as his wife. Unlike their mother and as a masculine figure, he rarely kisses his children. However, it is by playing together that they create a strong and warm bond of complicity.

Samrach wants to be a role model for his children and tries to provide them with the healthiest environment possible. Later, he hopes to be able to leave them something meaningful to continue helping them throughout their lives. Thus, he ensures that his sons can flourish and in turn become good Cambodian fathers.

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